Is this really such a good idea?
Mixing camping with must-see TV?
Honestly, how much could this fan be “enjoying” a game of football on a three inch screen while camping, especially since he probably has 50″ HDTV at home? Grow a pair and pick one: Get away from it all in the great outdoors or stay home to watch a game you’re really interested in. Or if you must, DVR.
Seriously, what kind of sick society are we turning into? The equation is simple.
See also:
One might make this argument for cell phones as well. Why turn it on if it isn’t an emergency? It kind of defeats the purpose of camping…
I prefer to take it up a notch. If you can get cell phone / data / tv service … You haven’t hiked far enough out.
Getting away from it all, but then bringing “it all” with you is a bad plan.