NO KIDDING: I saw my second UFO sighting of my life this month 🛸

NOT what I saw but thematically similar (Courtesy Shutterstock)
While driving home recently, my wife, son, and I witnessed 10-12 UFOs heading east into the night sky. They were lined up like planes heading to the airport, but they weren’t blinking and the airport is north, not east.
The objects were flying in formation in a mostly straight line. But one by one, the distant lights faded away as they crossed a certain threshold of the cloudless night sky. I was so mesmerized, I thought to myself, “Pull over and take video,” but then I reasoned, “There’s got to be a logical explanation that will manifest itself soon,” so I kept driving. Moments later, the line of UFOs were gone. I don’t know if they were alien, but they were certainly unidentified, mysterious flying objects like nothing I’ve ever seen.
Fun fact: this was the second UFO sighting I’ve seen in my life. The first was as a boy from my window-filled room on Orchard Street in Stillwater, Oklahoma. For that, there were no other witnesses. I saw a dime-sized black-lit oval (with several white lights spaced out like chocolate chips on a cookie) fly across the horizon at a speed that was twice as fast as either a satellite or fighter jet. I immediately ran to my mother to tell her. I couldn’t have been more than 10 years old. And she believed me!
I can’t tell you how wonderful that felt, to have my mother believe in a mystery that I had just experienced. She didn’t judge or even express skepticism. She sincerely believed and supported me, which is about the best any of us can do when something unexplained happens.
UPDATE: Mystery solved! After further research, my friend Matt rightfully determined that what we witnessed was SpaceX’s new Starlink internet satellites.