SAVE THE DATE: My cover band will premier its first live YouTube show on New Year’s Eve at 4pm local time (6pm Eastern). Hit that bell and join the live chat during our 31 minute performance. Hope you can make it. Please tell your friends.

Looking back, I won’t remember 2013 as a particularly strong year for music. But I did enjoy a handful of new and retro albums and have fond memories of listening to all of the below, ordered by most played to least played. Continue reading…
In addition to this recent discovery, the following have been in heavy rotation on my iTunes lately:
Miike Snow. Incredible album. All songs either 4- or 5-star rated. Standouts include Animal, Song for No One, Burial, and Faker. (previously on Smooth Harold)
Helio Sequence. With exception to the last two songs (boring), this is a lovely album. Hallelujah is the most awesome.
Kid Cudi. The non glamorous lyrics and futuristic beats are a breath of fresh air. Still, this is sometimes indulgent hip-hop. So I bought the clean version ‘cuz I’m like that (Hi, kids).
Empire of the Sun. Only half of this album is good (the first four songs plus the last). But man are they good.
Loscil. Mmm, space music. Excellent background sounds that still keep things interesting.
Honorable mention: Gregory Brothers, if only for their sweet auto-tune remix skills.