Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal
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Tagged how I became a writer

Ask me anything: How I became a writer

My friend’s daughter is an aspiring writer and recently interviewed me. This is what I told her:

1. Do you work for someone specifically or do you have an agent or have to find someone new to write for after you finish a project?

I own my own freelance writing business and spend around half my time asking people if I can write for them and the other half actually writing. I don’t have an agent.

2. What kind of writing is it?

Tech and travel writing for websites, newspapers, and Fortune 500 companies. I’ve also written a couple of books.

3. Do you enjoy it?

No. I LOVE it. Doesn’t feel like a job. More like a calling really. I have no plans of retiring and intend on writing until I die, I like it so much. 😃 Continue reading…