… than whipping your phone out at the alter. “Nothing’s official,” she said, “until it’s Facebook official!”
True story. Incredibly stupid. But true. The bride even had a pocket on her dress to hold her phone.
We now have the attention span of flies.
This is a great piece by Neal Gabler on how original thought has taken a back seat to being informed. Teaser quote to make you click:
It may seem counterintuitive that at a time when we know more than we have ever known, we think about it less… While (Facebook, Twitter, iPhones, etc) may change the way we live, they rarely transform the way we think. They are material, not ideational. It is thinkers who are in short supply, and the situation probably isn’t going to change anytime soon.
It will if we decide to reflect more on our surroundings, noting what we don’t like about them and how we might fix them. To do that, however, we have to regularly remove ourselves from the information trough.
It’s difficult for the brain to think if it’s always capturing data.