Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

You got this: 40 ways to change the world through daily acts of service

Courtesy Shutterstock

Wanna change the world? Here are 40 mostly easy things you can do everyday to make a difference while serving those around you:

  1. Smile and say hi to everyone
  2. Help your family by doing one of their chores
  3. Send an encouraging note
  4. Deliver treats to someone in need
  5. Look for someone alone and genuinely ask how they are doing
  6. Invite friends or family to dinner and ask how they’re doing
  7. Always hold the door open for strangers
  8. Give one sincere compliment each day
  9. Pay for the person behind you in a fast food line or a restaurant
  10. Text a family member to say I love you
  11. Say please and thank you for everything
  12. Give an unopened bottle of water to a bus driver, crossing guard, or other public worker
  13. Share a vulnerable comment once a day in private or public company
  14. Leave sticky notes with uplifting thoughts in random places
  15. Thank veterans when you see them
  16. Babysit someone’s kids for free (because parenting is hard)
  17. Call the hospital and ask them who hasn’t had visitors for a while so you can send them flowers
  18. Invite a neighbor who lives alone to dinner
  19. Don’t pass along gossip. Let it die with you.
  20. Offer to take a photograph for someone or give them directions if they look lost
  21. Be extra kind to people who don’t look, think, act, or talk like you
  22. Donate money to a good cause that matters to you.
  23. Hand out blessing bags to homeless beggars
  24. Offer free mentoring to share your expertise
  25. Be sportsmanlike when playing or cheering for team sports
  26. Be gracious and kind—never hateful—to those with different political views
  27. Give away books you’ve read, especially good ones
  28. Offer your seat on a bus or train to women, children, and elderly
  29. Keep your phone out of sight during conversations
  30. Be honest in everything you say and do
  31. Clap and cheer loud
  32. Say “tell me about yourself” once a day
  33. Write and send a thank you note
  34. Sincerely apologize when you’re wrong or make a mistake and ask, “Will you forgive me?”
  35. Give honest feedback
  36. Say I love you once a day and mean it
  37. Serve yourself with healthy habits, active exercise, and good nutrition so you can be around as long as possible to help others
  38. Share your talents. Don’t hide them.
  39. Be good to the planet and every living thing in it
  40. Let others serve you—we’re all in this together