8 reasons Obama is better than you think
I didn’t vote for Obama yesterday. I voted Ron Paul (knowing he wouldn’t win) because I believe limited government is what’s needed most right now as this country approaches bankruptcy. You can’t change the world or serve the people as a government if you’re broke.
But I was happy nonetheless last night with Obama’s election — it was an exciting and historical moment. While I strongly disagree with his big government ideas, I take comfort in his upcoming presidency for the following reasons:
- He’s not President Bush. Objective individuals know President Bush has virtually nothing to show for over the last eight years, which was rife with ineptitude (not beheading Bid Laden, false war in Iraq, Patriot Act, TSA, Katrina, No Child Left Behind, the most costly president in U.S. history, “Mission Accomplished” — you know). That alone is enough to encourage at least some change for the better.
- He’s young. I like the fact that Obama is 47 and more innocent to Washington than most, being that he’s only been there for fours years. I’m sure he has special interest in his pocket, but I’m sure he’s not as susceptible to corruption as long-time politicians have proven to be. I also like that young children will be in the White House for the first time since the 60s, something that’s sure to dictate Obama’s judgment when it comes to policy.
- He aims to pull out of Iraq within 18 months. This alone will help save the country trillions, let alone our reputation. I’m hopeful Obama will be judicious in not spending the savings, but paying down debt to save the dollar. Though liberal, he’s shown he’s more conservative than others when it comes to spending, being a proponent for greater accountability with the use of federal funds, which is only a good thing.
- He promises to audit federal spending. I could be totally wrong, but again I’m hopeful this action will lead to paying down debt with the surplus. NASA and a lot of other dinosaur programs, you gotta go, at least your permanent operations.
- He’s the most specific candidate I’ve heard in years. If you think Obama is “the devil,” then this reason will be of little comfort to you, as even Dr. Evil was specific in his plans. But if you believe Obama might just be a patriot, who loves the opportunity his country has given him, than his candid plan shows that he cares, even if you disagree with most of the details.
- He went to Harvard. I know the school has become a degree factory in recent years, but you still have to be smart to get into Harvard. And who doesn’t want a book-smart president?
- He’s highly motivated to do a good job as the first black president. He has his work cut out for him, but he won’t get re-elected in 2012 if he dorks around. He obviously knows this.
- He’s under “checks and balances” just like every other elected official. This is a big one, and something everyone seems to forget. Was I the only elementary student who learned that the federal government is not controlled by a single monarch, but by three equally powerful branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial, which work to keep the other guys honest? Yes, checks and balances can fail, as they did in 2003-2004 when Bush used fear to launch a suspect war and pass the Patriot Act. But I still believe in the system. You should too because there are still good men in the world.
An Obama presidency isn’t good for everyone. If you’re making more than $200k a year, you’ll likely see a tax increase if the president gets his way. Profitable corporations might also see their margins cut into with higher taxes. But if you’re making $200k a year or are profitable as a company, I don’t feel that bad for you. And businesses still have to hire employees, even if a tax increase eats into their profits. Don’t let business retards tell you otherwise. Entrepreneurs will maneuver anything to make a buck and grow the economy.
Suffice it to say, don’t let a conservative hive mind get you down. There is hope, even if it wasn’t what you had in mind. Here’s hoping Obama can work with congress to get stuff done.
Number 8 is one of my favs. It’s become a big pet peeve of mine when campaigns say Candidate XYZ will bring the down fall of the country. To me, that indicates the biggest lack of faith in the USA possible.
No matter what you think of W., you have to admit that he was given more power than just about any president, and hey, take a look around. Despite the economy being in the crapper, our general way of life is relatively unchanged. USA lives on.
I agree with everything you said, Blake, except for NASA. (I just got back from KSC, and NASA is awesome. I wish all the money we put into the middle east could be put into NASA.
Not only did Obama go to Harvard, but Harvard Law – that has to count for something, as well.
Truthfully, I don’t expect much from Obama, but if his image he gives people hope and makes other countries like us more – that’s an upgrade.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but one of the biggest problems we have as a country is when one party controls the house, senate, and presidency. That is when things really get messed up no matter who is president. That was the problem with the republicans since 2002 when they controlled all three. There were no checks and balances and that is how Bush was able to push so much crap through.
Our fear shouldn’t be that Obama is president. Our fear should be that the democrats control all three and therefore, there is no checks and balances. Obama should be very careful that he doesn’t start pushing his agendas through just because they have majority. If he does, we could have a second Bush, but just on the democratic side. It could lead to more spending and bigger government which is not a good thing.
You are correct, Mark. But congressional elections are every two years, so if Obama exploits his majority power in the house and senate to ill effects, the nation can vote in a majority republican congress to reign him in.
@ Russ & Nick
Not to be too critical, but I honestly don’t understand how anyone in our country can try to make excuses for Bush at this point. I understand that congress was a huge part of the problem, and Nick the USA may still “live on,” but that still doesn’t remove the fact that Bush was one of the biggest douche bags our country has ever seen.
@ Blake
In regards to Obama winning I’m in the same boat. However, I will say I’m not very confident in his ability to reign in government spending considering how much he just spent on his campaign. I guess in the end I’m just happy that McCain/Palin didn’t win. The fact that Palin got as close as she did to the White House is simply stunning.
I’m optimistic about an Obama presidency for the same reasons you’ve listed, Blake. Especially the part about wanting a smart president. To paraphrase John Cleese, I don’t want a president I can relate to or have a beer with. I want a president so damn sharp that if I were around him, I’d keep my mouth shut to not make a fool of myself.
I’m quite liberal, though, so Obama’s politics are also closely aligned with my own. I’m stunned at the significance of the moment. This is the kind of thing my grandchildren will read about in history books. I didn’t think my country was ready to elect a black man; I’m proud his race wasn’t an issue for an overwhelming majority of voters.
For the first time in years, I’m excited about the future. That alone speaks volumes.
Speaking of the democrats’ control of Congress and the White House…perhaps it’s not such a bad thing. Part of the reason so little gets done in Washington is Republicans and Democrats can’t agree on anything. My liberal leanings considered, maybe it’ll be a nice change of pace to have a government on the same page. Whether we like the legislation or not, at least some things could really be done over the next few years.
@ Tim, you miss understand me. I do think Bush was one of the worst presidents ever (I voted against him both times), and that’s exactly my point. The country can survive anything, and despite all the crap Bush pushed through, we’re still here. Granted, with a college education in the tech field, I’ve been relatively well insulated from the recession.
My point is that the checks and balances largely did work. Sure, Bush may have abused his power, but when he did checks started kicking in, and voters have strongly routed his party out of power. He will have only the smallest influence from now on.
Besides, the criticism of the threat of destroying the country was largely leveled at Obama by the Republicans. It was the, “if you vote for him we’ll all become socialists,” meme. And I was using Bush to argue that it doesn’t fly. One man cannot undo the country.
Well put Blake! Things are in desperate need of some shaking up and I think he will do the trick. I hope he can deliver this term though. I know that is a high demand, but I strongly feel that 8 years for anybody is too long. It seems like presidents really do some screwy things in their second term. Both Clinton and Bush did some questionable things during their second term. I do, however, like the fact that there will be young children in the White House though.
As for going to Harvard… “What? Like, it’s hard?”
Obama sells himself as a pragmatist, and at least for a short time, I think that’s something the country can use. Like Nick, I have enough faith in our three branches of government and the US Constitution, that I believe that even a terrible president can’t turn us upside down in 8, or even 16 years.
It wasn’t what I was hoping for, but it’s certainly what I expected. The right is in need of finding an identity, and I feel that they have abandoned some of the issues related to small government, and personal liberty that made them great. A change was inevitable, while I’d rather have Hillary, I think Obama is one of the more sensible voices on the left.
I hardly like anything about his political bent, but I plan to say “Hail to the Chief,” because I’m a patriot and that’s what real Americans do.
It is certainly not the end of the world, it’s not the apocalypse, and in January 2008, 2009, 2020, I would guess I’ll still have a grocery store in the neighborhood where I can buy milk and bread. We all love this country too much to let our politics divide us to the point that we can’t function as a nation. Let’s make good on that.
Book smart people do really dumb things. Clinton is said to be one of the smartest politicians ever. But even a smart man like Clinton could not keep Mr. Peepers in his pants!
Obama has much work to do. I hope the change that will take place is a good one. Time will tell.
– Half of the stuff Bush is hated for was voted for and approved by congress. He takes the blame.
– My money says Obama will act totally different now than he will if he gets a second term.
– Obama starts his intelligence briefings tomorrow. I’m glad he didn’t make stupid promises on this front because there’s so much he doesn’t know right now.
– Federal Spending is already audited. We need accountability.
– I find him to be the least specific candidate in years, and I hope this was wisdom.
– Bush went to Yale.
– People who make more than $200k still overwhelmingly voted for Obama. Go figure.