Credit card companies kill too many trees
What you see above is a pile of 16 new credit card offers received during the week of Christmas while I was out of town. The mailman delivered this liability stack in just 7 working days. That’s 2.3 new offers per day. I realize this is in no way a record, but c’mon. Tree huggers should be going after plastic masters for this. It’s ridiculous. But alas, the onslaught must work, otherwise this post wouldn’t exist.
I hate to say it, but the junk mail business model pays well. The direct mail channel is a very (low cost/high return) sales channel.
I don’t like that channel as a recipient; but, it’s a good one from a business perspective.
The first day I got into undergrad I was assaulted by credit card companies, being offered 3 cards on campus and 2 more in the mail. It is ridiculous, but indeed a good business model. I tend to be paranoid, however, that I will throw away the junk and someone will eventually pick it out, forge my signature, and begin spending to something attached with me. Scary.
Here is a funny article I wrote about killing trees.
Click here to kill trees
I hate those things. Have you called 888 5 OPT OUT to … um … opt out of those mailings?