Getting out of your comfort zone (I karaoke)
I finally cracked down and tried karaoke in a public place. Lindsey and I went to a fund-raising party last night at the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City (thanks, Josh!), and when I caught eye of the karaoke center, I decided to give “Sweet Caroline” a shot. I wouldn’t have done so had it not been for my previous experience at a Florida resort earlier this year (see Why Neil Diamond Is “So Good”).
How did it turn out? I did okay, only cracking my voice once. Will I regularly take up karaoke? Probably not. But I haven’t been that nervous and “out of place” in a long time. It was a good feeling and reminded me how important it is to get out of your comfort zone once in a while.
When’s the last time you did something unexpected?
Two weeks ago when I threw a party. I didn’t throw it completely by myself, though. Lexi and Lauren were throwing it with me. Still, I was definitely out of my comfort zone.
I still haven’t worked up the nerve to sing karaoke. It terrifies me, actually.
You know now that you have sacked up and sung in front of people, I think its high time for a Swing reunion show.
You should put your skills on and let us all see! Now that would be way out there.