Google is getting too big for its britches
Is anybody else bothered by how big Google is getting now with their $1.65 billion stock buy out of YouTube? They’re like the online version of Microsoft now. Regardless, the two founders of YouTube and their 65 employees just struck it bigtime. You can’t even imagine how bigtime…
“too big.”
I think it’s fine. Google is the leader in search, and they just acquired the leader in video search if you think about it. This is right in line with who Google is.
Google’s $1.65 billion stock allows them to purchase some pretty big britches. I’m afraid it will be a while before they out grow them!
I would say that it was a pretty good move by Google. Hopefully it will get them better on track with web video considering their rocky beginning with Google Video.
So, if they’re generous, the founders of YouTube could keep half of the stock for themselves and divvy up the other half to their 65 employees .. each employee would get $12,692,307.
Remind me why I work in academia again…
Too Big? I would not say they are too big b/c I have not seen a decrease in quality of service. Some might argue thier search results are not what they used to be, but I qould argue the web itself is not what it used to be. It has changed muito in the last 3-5 years. Search engines will always be a step behind content, much like media is a step behind news. I mean once content is slapped onto the iNet it becomes history. Is google fighting for the little guy? No, botom line is they want money. But if they can stir up the other big guys and knock ’em out of ye ole comfort zone, then we become the beneficiaries of fresh, new, psuedo-open source tehnology (I don’t even have to make a list you know which technologies I am talking about).
-Me No Proofread-
Google…no. Walmart…yes!!!
Amen, Brother Snow!
Dang, I wish I would have landed a job there about a year and a half ago!