MSNBC: Best Xbox 360 games of ’08
My latest: “First, the bad news. The dreaded “Red Ring of Death” continues to plague Xbox 360 owners. Some reports have put the failure rate of the console at one-third. It’s a bummer, because there are so many great games.
“The good news — provided you’re in the lucky majority with a valid warranty — was that 2008 was another great year for Xbox fans. Not as jam-packed as last year, mind you. But with improved reliability and a new low price of $199, there’s no reason to miss the top 10 Xbox 360 games of 2008.”
Played six out of 10 (and many more that didn’t make the cut) and researched the rest with trusted colleagues. Selection was designed to name “the best” games for all audiences, including sports fans.
Madden 09 and 2k9 are both worthy of the list. Madden 09 in particular really stepped up this year.
Says Tim the non-gamer gamer. J/K Tim. We have all been there before. It’s best if you just rip it off like a band aid and profess you love for video games.
Just curious – how did you select those games? Did you play all of those?