Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

Online Digital Video Growing Like Crazy

Just look at these crazy growth and digital video numbers according to Fast Company:

  • 18 billion videos were streamed online in 2005 (there were 9 billion in 2004 and 285 million in 1998)
  • Visits to YouTube rose 170% from November 2005 to February 2006.
  • $585,000 | Cost of a high-definition video camera in 1984 (in 2006 dollars)
  • Cost today for the equivalent: under $6,000
  • 4 million | Number of U.S. households that now use digital video cameras and editing software monthly
  • In 2005, box-office revenue fell 5.2% (from $9.5 billion to $9 billion)

Also, be sure to check out the magazine’s article on the Four Eyed Monsters indie film that is a case study on social marketing and independent publishing. From the article: “Asked if they would accept a $2 million offer from a distributor for the rights to Four Eyed Monsters, Crumley [creator] says, ‘No.’ Buice [co-creator] isn’t so sure. ‘Only if we maintain control,’ Crumley insists. What if that wasn’t part of the deal? ‘No.'”

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