Weekend edition: What I’m currently movie-ing, music-ing, and book-ing
I’m currently enjoying the following movie, album, and book for the rare times I’m offline digesting content:
- Movie: Invincible (PG) – Lindsey and I don’t get to watch movies much anymore due to our very active 11-month old daughter. With in-law baby-sitters representing, we were able to catch Disney’s new (sans cheesy lines) football movie, Invincible. It is one of the most inspiring movies since Field of Dreams, and you don’t even have to like sports or football to appreciate the film’s drama and excitement. I give it 5/5 stars. From the synopsis: “This inspiring sports movie stars Mark Wahlberg as Vince Papale, a Philadelphia Eagles fan who in 1976 lost his wife and teaching job. The 30-year-old bartender enters an open try-out for the Philadelphia Eagles and makes the squad, becoming the oldest rookie to make the NFL.”
- Music: On Your Side – This album by a band called Magnet is incredible. Easily one of my favorite musical discoveries of the year (maybe of the last two). If you like really relaxing folk/pop/electronic music, this album by the Norwegian song-writer is for you.
- Book: Small Giants by Bo Burlingham – A book that makes small businesses feel good with being small, showcasing motivational stories of 14 entrepreneurs that stick it to the man, the status quo, and money in favor of control. Full review to follow.
What offline content are you currently consuming?
Is there an offline anymore?
Currently I am listening to James Kochalka Superstar’s Spread Your Evil Wings And Fly which isn’t out till Sept 12th, but was bought at his concert on Friday night. A decent collection of humorous rock songs, but his first two records are still my favorites.
I’ve been playing Sims 2 with my wife on the GameCube .. lots of fun with two people controlling different characters at the same time. One downside, you sit down to play at 10:30PM and suddenly it’s 3AM.
Haven’t been to a movie since seeing Clerks II a few weeks back .. I’m much more into watching stuff on my home theater system these days. Been meaning to rent V For Vendetta since reading the graphic novel recently.
Book-wise, I grabbed The Picture Of Dorian Gray for 1/2 price the other day, but haven’t yet started reading it.
And let’s not forget TV .. it’s summer, so that means Big Brother three nights a week. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares on BBC America is a blast, too.
It’s a busy weekend for new movies, but I’m definitely also gonna make time for “Invincible” soon .. I’m just a sucker for sports underdog movies, and the reviews for this one have been great so far