Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

What do you do to relax?

My wife went out this evening so I had the little one all to myself. With Lindsey leaving at six, it was up to me to make dinner and entertain Sadie until her bedtime.

After dishing up Spaghettio’s to the youngling and downing a delicious quesadilla for myself, I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood with Sadie in the stroller. I was just about to grab my Blackberry (as I normally do), but said, “forget about it.” I’m glad I did.

Sadie and I had a blast. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining, and I didn’t have a care in the world. That’s rare for me. We stopped for a cherry Icee (more juicy than a Slurpee, mind you), and Sadie nearly drank the entire 32 ounces. We sauntered the neighborhood for a good hour as I kept thinking, “I haven’t had this much relaxation in a long time.” It felt so good.

So I ask you, Smooth Harolders; what do you do to relax? Do you have to remind yourself to do so?