What is my domain name worth?
Just how much is/are your domain(s) worth? Granted that’s subjective, but LeapFish.com is trying to add a little objectivity to domain valuation. From the site: “Domain names rely entirely on demand and therefore the only indication as to value is what somebody will pay for it… We have created a rating system which is based on various factors and ratings you may find individually for a domain name.”
Smooth Harold got a measly 86 composite score, selling for an estimated $12k. I swear it’s worth more than that. 🙂 What’s your domain worth?
[via Life Hacker]
Wow, thanks for a great way to waste time Blake! I had 4 of my domains worth, according to them, over $12,000 bucks! I wonder though if I could ever actually sell any of them…
I got an interesting response for http://www.mwi.com:
It has been determined based on search results that this name may be extensively valuable beyond the scope of the LeapFish.com domain analysis tool. It is recommended that you seek the services of a complete domain appraisal company rather than rely on this estimate. Thank You.
It did go on to score it, however:
Combined Value Score: 376
Top Level Domain Score: 10
Unwanted Characters Score: 10
Dictionary Word Score: 100
Length Score: 25
Archive.org Score: 206
Google Search Results: 840
Yahoo Search Results: 825
MSN Search Results: 2,757
Search Engine Score: 25
And apparently it’s worth $212,064.00 according to LeapFish.
The thing is that I doubt anyone would actually offer me that much. The other thing is that I probably wouldn’t sell it for that much either. Well, maybe.
Combined Value Score: 112
Top Level Domain Score: 10
Unwanted Characters Score: 10
Dictionary Word Score: 50
Length Score: 10
Archive.org Score: 7
Google Search Results: 21,400
Yahoo Search Results: 0
MSN Search Results: 6,121
Search Engine Score: 25
Estimated Base Value: $336.00
Estimated Actual Value: $18,816.00
Well, I had one which was first started by me back in 1982 called SCENTIMENTS.
I didn’t get on the bandwagon in time. But a company now owns that domain since about 1985,even though I began my company in 1982, way before them.
I never went into the INFO MART IN DALLAS TX, and boy am I mad that I never did it. I would have seen this coming earlier.
ANYWAY, my name, SCENTIMENTS and those who have it scentiments.com also had the admonition at the beginning in RED
It has been determined, may be valuable etc. and to get an appraisal company to value it.
SCORE: 288
Top Level Domain Score:10
Dictionary Word Score: 7
Length Score: 8
Archive Score: 153
Google Search Results: 1,990,000
Yahoo Search Results: 0
MSN Search Results: 9,978
Search Engine Score 100
Estimated Actual VALUE: $124,416.00
And that’s not to say they didn’t have many people searching for my old product, Scentiments Scented Quilted Cards. HAAAA!
Others scored: cardlady.net 109/17,822.00
Quilteds.com 85 10,838.
snowarts.com 83 10,334.
snowcrafts.com 83 10,334
snowgems.com 85 10,838.
and babyauthority.com 98 14,906.
Plus you already know I was offered $1500.00 for a couple of these, but no way am I selling. A kid here in GA sold drugs.com to a pharmaceutical company for just under $1 mil and bought a house for his mom and saved the rest for college. He was 16. Went to Lexia’s sunday school class in ’93.
I know my stuff in names! Love ya for a new site to watch! MOM
Combined Value Score: 92
Estimated Actual Value: $12,696.00
Great news everybody or all those who were leapfish fans!! I’m hearing that leapfish is returning in 2008 in a big way. Should be interesting to see what happens.
Leapfish…that’s right they are coming back in 2008. Which is a great thing to hear due to the fact they had become really the industry standard. Looking forward to it.
Leapfish is coming, that’s awesome. I used to use them all the time. 2008 is look better already.
Can’t wait for leapfish to be live again!
there are many sites that Appraisal your site like
Combined Value Score: 93
Top Level Domain Score: 8
Unwanted Characters Score: 10
Dictionary Word Score: 50
Length Score: 15
Archive.org Score: 0
Google Search Results: 280
Yahoo Search Results: 945
MSN Search Results: 1,316
Search Engine Score: 10
Estimated Base Value: $279.00
Estimated Actual Value: $12,974.00
I guess I would sell for that 🙂