Why I blog under the Smooth Harold pseudonym
I regularly get 2-3 comments per month from first-time visitors calling me “Harold,” my blogging pseudonym. I expected this when launching the site in 2005. Before I explain why, let me remind you how I came up with the name:
I was good friends with a guy named Michael Komenda years ago while living in Brazil. He is like a skinning version of Chris Farley—very animated guy. Anyway, he had a band called Smooth Harold in high school. I asked him where he got the name, and he said he once saw a kid wearing a green shirt that read “Smooth Harold” on the back. By the time I started my blog, Komenda had stopped using the name for his band, so I took it for myself.
In many ways, the life of Blake Snow is a rather boring one. He works from home. He’s married with kids. No alarms and no surprises really. It’s the life I want to lead, and one that makes me happy. But I realize it’s not a remarkable life. So I wanted my blog to be larger than Blake Snow. That’s why I blog under an admitted pseudonym.
Plus, Smooth Harold just sounds cooler.
As a general rule, I’d say a life that positively influences and inspires at least 1 million people or more in a big way — like revolutionary artists, politicians, scientists, businessmen, athletes, clergy and other humans who also happen to be honest and considerate individuals. A small fry like me just isn’t that influential, at least not yet! And I’m more than content to do my own part in the shadows rather than in the spotlight.
Well for what it’s worth you’ve inspired me. I’ve read Juicing the Orange and the 4 Hour Work Week because of you. You’re one of about 5 sites that I check daily.
While I don’t necessarily agree with everything you say, you’ve got style. I like people with passion and stand for something they believe in and from what I can see you do that.
It looks to me like you’ve got a great family, you’re able to work from home and for yourself, and I like your life philosophy. I would venture to say that you inspire/influence more people than you realize so don’t sell yourself short. Just because you haven’t found a cure for cancer doesn’t make what you do powerful.
But then again maybe that’s just one unremarkable guy’s opinion of another unremarkable guy. You take your pick.
Thanks for the compliment, Derek. The reassurance that my blogging is of value only adds oxygen to the fire. 🙂
Oh, I also started a blog per your suggestion, which I see you’ve found. Though I’m not nearly as good a writer as you are.
So you play the guitar too huh?
Both real guitars and toy ones (e.g. Rock Band/Guitar Hero ones) 🙂
I just keep liking you more and more!
Get a hotel, you too!
FYI – My statement was intended to be interpreted as – Get a hotel (Blake), you too (Derek)! Because everyone should stay in a hotel every once in a while.
Hi, nice posts there 🙂 thank’s for the interesting information
I never liked the name Harold by itself, but put Smooth in front of it and it is seriously awesome!
Wait, your name isn’t Harold? I’m so confused.
What constitutes as a remarkable life Mr. Snow?