9 habits I want to absorb this spring

courtesy wikimedia
- Keep a journal. Because they remind us of our thoughts and feelings as well as photographs remind us of people, places, and things.
- Say “no” to distractions. I’ve started doing this already by avoiding the news. Instead of consuming news in the morning, afternoon, and night, I now only read three newsletter summaries from my three favorite sources. This frees a massive amount of time without missing the most important stories to my work.
- Hire a professional coach. I did this a few years ago and it nearly doubled my sales. After become complacent recently, I need to do this again.
- Forgive those who’ve wronged me. I was raised to forgive but never forget, so this is a challenge. Admittedly, I haven’t been wronged very often. But I do take things personally. I’d rather not.
- Create unforgettable moments with those you love. There’s a difference between doing things and doing things that light up someone’s face. I need to do the latter more often for my wife and children.
- Become stunningly polite. Because I’m so loud and opinionated, this is hard for me to do. But I’m determined to favor politeness over sarcasm and opinions.
- Focus on the good instead of what’s lacking. The power of positive thinking.
- Tip well. I usual tip 15–20% regardless of service. I should probably tip 20–25%.
- Read these books. The book worm who recommended these seems to know A LOT about books.
Adapted from Robin Sharma’s 60 tips for a stunningly great life