Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal
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Tagged service

You got this: 40 ways to change the world through daily acts of service

Courtesy Shutterstock

Wanna change the world? Here are 40 mostly easy things you can do everyday to make a difference while serving those around you:

  1. Smile and say hi to everyone
  2. Help your family by doing one of their chores
  3. Send an encouraging note
  4. Deliver treats to someone in need
  5. Look for someone alone and genuinely ask how they are doing
  6. Invite friends or family to dinner and ask how they’re doing
  7. Always hold the door open for strangers
  8. Give one sincere compliment each day
  9. Pay for the person behind you in a fast food line or a restaurant
  10. Text a family member to say I love you Continue reading…

Be a Lovecat

I’m currently reading Love is The Killer App. Though not the most prolific business book, the title does an excellent job in formulating what makes for a successful business career in terms of happiness and producing a return on your “networks.” Author Tim Sanders defines a “lovecat” as an individual that intelligently and sensibly shares his/her knowledge, network of friends and associates, and compassionate service with bizpartners without expecting anything in return.

What’s a bizpartner you may ask? Every person in our work life, be it a boss, banker, competitor, client, or just about anyone else. I especially like the competitor one and have recently discovered how much of an asset and help they can be for any type of business striving to improve.

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