Avoiding my email for a day to get “actual” work done
I did something yesterday that I don’t recall doing before. With exception to a single message, I avoided my email from 8am-6pm while still working. No gmail, no Blackberry, no nothing. I had to finish up a magazine article by this morning and needed the extra focus and added attention to get it done. I have a personal goal of replying to every action email within 2 business hours, so this was hard for me to do. But having put out existing fires and working under a tight deadline, it worked. And you know what, I actually enjoyed it. Ordinarily, I treat my email like life support, so it was nice to break away and breathe on my own terms as opposed to constantly checking my mail at all hours of the day, including nights. I should do this again.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to check my email…
You think a day is bad? I’ll be in Africa for three weeks this summer, and have no idea how I’ll survive sans email! 🙂
I had one of those columns to finish today as well. I was way overdue.
If only you could just delete the whole day’s worth of messages, too, eh?
I usually try to steer clear of work email on the weekends. It really helps me to relax and feel refreshed on Monday. My office supplies me with a cell phone, so any emergencies can still reach me. I’ve told co-workers how I handle weekend email and to call me if an emergency comes up. So far, so good.