My thrilling status updates for the week
- wants to marry the tomato basil omelet he had for breakfast. #
- This pipe organ sounds fantastic! I’ve got these bass notes beneath my feet like something underground’s gonna come up and carry me. #
- still eats grilled cheese. Anyone else? #
- wrote a new blog post: : Top 5 new bands of the last decade (with video) #
- Taxes filed! A return care of Chinese loans to Uncle Sam is en route, thanks to abundant child tax credits (aka redistribution of wealth). #
- Chances are that panpipe band you saw in South America wasn’t live. In fact, I’d say 99% are fake. #
- Seriously, could Rolos be any more delicious? The mouthwatering morsels are like a gift from the candy gods. #
- wishes he could grow a mustache. He can, however, grow Chinese neck hairs. Anyone want to trade? #
- A secret life is fraught with worry. An honest one is filled with peace. #
- Locals only: Best in state burger? The correct answer would be Stumpy Burger on 225 West Center in Provo (where you could do well, btw). #
- lives on the west side of town. Anyone else? #