My thrilling status updates for the week
- likes how D-Ron cocked that dunk like Le-Bron. Go Jazz! #
- ‘s stomach is grateful for his wife’s deliciously ambitious home cooking. #
- How to Train Your Dragon > Avatar. Seriously. #
- thinks his friend is a BFD for debt financing a million dollar company. Attaboy, Tim! #
- Despite what organizers say, World Cups are bad economoic investments: #
- Forever in blue jeans. #
- Awesome defense of the free press, The Appalling Reaction to the Apple iPhone Leak: #
- is vying to become president of Del Boca Vista phase III. #
- Best new reggae I’ve heard in a long time. Awesome. #
- is going to see Evil Empire play Evil Empire Jr. at Fenway this October! (Dream come true) Thanks, David! #
- Good little sappy movie. I love dogs. #
- This guy is a winner in every sense of the word: #
- Diplomacy has failed. #
- Let’s see how connected my Facebook friends really are: Can any of you handsome people get me on the Salt Lake Country Club golf course? #
- Great article—Mexico is the most popular soccer team in America: #
- Tripping and realizing no one saw you. AWESOME! #
- Had to breathe deeply while viewing this sobering images: #