Online blood work: No doctor’s visit required
My latest for the fair and balanced department at Fox News: Online blood tests like WellnessFX are empowering and affordable as much as they are against medical advice.
My latest for the fair and balanced department at Fox News: Online blood tests like WellnessFX are empowering and affordable as much as they are against medical advice.
My latest for Fox News with bonus Jim Gaffigan mention.
I’ve seen the future. It’s called gigabit Internet by Google Fiber, and it just launched in my hometown of Provo, the second of three scheduled cities to get speeds that are 100 times faster than the rest of America.
“What good is really fast Internet if the content stays the same?” you may ask yourself. I certainly did, before testing the service. Besides, my “high speed” Internet from Comcast seemed fast enough, enabling my household to stream HD videos, load web pages quickly, and connect multiple devices as needed, largely without hiccup.
I was wrong.
Using gigabit Internet, even in its infancy, opened my eyes to speed and reminded me of why I love the Internet.
My latest for Fox News: Why the death of the PC is a myth
Reporting for Fox, here are 7 low-tech goods I’ve enjoyed this year.
Read it here: Life after smartphones—What’s next?
Reporting for Fair & Balanced. 🙂
Thanks to cut-rate pricing and high user praise, Google?’s new Chromebooks have finally struck a nerve with savvy consumers. But they may go unnoticed this holiday as tablets still dominate wishlists. Continue reading…
Recent things I’ve written:
Notable feature stories I’ve written recently:
Recent feature stories I’ve written:
My latest for Fox & Friends. Not a shocker, but I still found it amusing.
My latest for Fox & Friends.
One of the World’s Biggest Telescopes Is Buried Beneath the South Pole.
Like something out of a Dan Brown novel, I tell ya.
I’m a climate change agnostic. Nevertheless, my latest piece quickly drew fire from at least one insecure proponent of anthropogenic global warming.
“Try becoming a real journalist and offering up a balanced article,” the fanman wrote. I guess he didn’t like that I quoted both critics and skeptics in a single article. “Balanced,” would have completely ignored one side or the other, apparently.
Or maybe he’s just mad that Fox News exists.
Crazy, isn’t it?
Reporting for Fox & Friends: “A new application lets parents photograph a software package at the store and instantly learn about any potentially questionable content.”
Go read my Fox & Friends story to find out.
New technology article I wrote for Fox & Friends on cool science fair projects.
A new slideshow I penned for Fox & Friends.
Reporting for Fox News… from the non-biased department. 🙂
On assignment for Fox News. They sorta butchered my informal tone. But it still turned out okay:
Coast Guard Preps for Hurricane Earl With Centuries of Experience Behind It
Hunker down, New England!
Excluding blog posts and short-news articles:
Excluding blog posts and short news articles: