Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

The first snowfall of Christmas ’08


Lindsey bought proper outerwear for the girls a couple months back and has been waiting for it to snow ever since. After much impatience, it came today. Here is proof.

Maddie unsure what to do in the snow. I swear she stood like this for a good 10 minutes. Granted, she had as much mobility as Ralphie’s younger brother Randy, but still.

Sadie attempts to build a tiny snowman. She’s been asking for snow non-stop this year.

Lindsey looking pretty. I think she was laughing at Maddie, who fell face-first in the snow.

A winter wonderland. Well sorta — it’s really just a mini wonderland behind our rented condo.

Merry Christmas!