Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal
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Tagged employees

All you ever need to know about employee appreciation

Originally published December 19, 2006.

Here’s stating the obvious: Most employee appreciation bonuses are lousy, exposing how cheap corporate America can be. Take for example my good friend Matt and his wife Susan. Both are honest working individuals that are extremely kind to those they come in contact with and extremely loyal to the companies they work for. Susan has worked close to 10 years for a local manufacturer. What did she get after working five years for the company? A small shelf clock. And Matt, having worked at a local credit union for five years, got a whopping $50 bonus for his tenure. Nothing says “we care” and “the biggest asset to our company is our employees” quite like skimping when it counts. That’s not to say Susan’s or Matt’s employers are shmoes, just that they suck when it comes to appreciation bonuses.

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Student Developers

Today while in a strategy meeting, I voiced my concern in utilizing student developers to hit paid deadlines. My opinion? Don’t use student developers if you want to deliver the project on time. The reason? A majority of students (at least BYU) are more concerned with getting A’s than delivering the goods.

That statement is flawed, though, in that some students put school lower on their priority list. When I started Griffio as a Senior BYU student, I remember ditching classes left and right to make sure our clients were happy. If you can find students that import more with real world applications, then it’s a go.