Good to know: 4 mistakes we make when comforting grievers
I was moved by Adam Grant’s and Sheryl Sandberg’s Four mistakes we make when comforting friends who are struggling written for USA Today. So much so that I summarized the mistakes below for easy future reference:
- Encourage positivity instead of feelings. Time doesn’t necessarily heal all things, especially death. Research indicates asking how grievers feel improves welfare better than well-intentioned but frustrating calls to “chin up.”
- Insert your own story instead of acknowledging theirs. “When you’re faced with tragedy,” writer Tim Lawrence notes, “the most powerful thing you can do is acknowledge. Literally say the words: I acknowledge your pain. I’m here with you.” Never volunteer your own experience, even if you think it’s the same. If they want to hear it, they’ll ask.
- Give unsolicited advice. Instead of offering advice, simply say, “I wish I knew the right thing to say. I’m so sorry you’re going through this — but you will not go through it alone.”
- “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” Don’t say this. Although often sincere, this phrase puts the burden on grievers. Instead of offering anything, author Bruce Feiler recommends, “just do something.” Invite them over for a holiday dinner. Make a playlist of songs that aren’t about joy or snow. Drop off a home-cooked meal. You don’t have to be best friends to help someone. Just do something without asking.
Thanks for sharing Bryce. This is a terrific addition.
Another anecdotal item I would add to this list based on my own observations: Don’t project expectations of when the grieving process should end. From what I have seen in my own experience watching people grieve, one of the hardest things they often experience is watching others “move on” from tragedy, while they are left still feeling as if it happened yesterday. In some cases this can go on for years, and as the flood of support lessens to a trickle and may even cease being a regular occurrence, grievers can be left wondering why they haven’t been able to move on like everyone else. Or they may even be angry at others for doing so when their own pain is still so acute. The truth is however, that individuals may work through grief at a different place from each other and that is natural. I believe one of the best things we can do in the long term to support someone grieving, is to continue practicing those points you mention even after it may seems like things are back to normal. Chances are, in doing so, you may be one of the few people left that acknowledges their true feelings.