Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal
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And the playlist of the year goes to…


My awesome wife threw my oldest daughter a rock ‘n roll themed birthday party last week. It was the most rockin’ party I’ve been to all year (and I’ve been to some good ones).

We played hot potato with a giant inflatable mic. Freeze tag with toy guitars. Rode the zip line. And ate delicious microphone cupcakes.

But the real driver behind all the fun was the great music we listened to. Although I took several DJ liberties with the playlist, it included many of my daughter’s favorites. Her taste in music makes me a proud papa.

In any case, here’s the playlist in all its glory that had six and seven year olds going crazy in my backyard—no Justin Bieber required. If it can do that for them, I’m confident it can do the same for Smooth Harold readers in their own respective homes.

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