Another article suggesting DMR-less MP3’s can overthrow the iTunes empire
From Wired: “Everyone knows the MP3 format is used by more devices and people than any other file-based digital-audio format. Most also know that record labels prefer DRMed alternatives such as the ones sold by Apple’s iTunes, because they make it harder for people to share music. But… Evidence is mounting that major labels may start to prefer the MP3 format, as impossible as that used to seem.”
I really like iTunes and iPods, but I won’t deny that as a consumer non-DMR MP3 tracks being sold at Apple’s store not to mention everywhere else would be a much better thing.
I find it interesting that you are blogging about this. Last night I was reading a Men’s Health Magazine. (No I do not subscribe… I was at work and had some down time to read.) This issue had an extra section that had compiled the “Top 100 Hottest New Gadgets” for Men’s Health. The number one pick was the Zune from Microsoft. Apple might be doing it yet again. People love freedom and when something tries to lock us down we usually find a way out. MP3’s (Tom Slick… Yeaaa)