Another Snow Celebrity Citing
Two of my very talented sisters, Summer and Sara, met/hugged Will Smith backstage at his concert in Atlanta last night. Strike up another Snow Family celebrity citing. For the full story including dialogs, follow the jump.
Summer meets the Prince of Bel Aire
(via Busy Nothings)
This Snow family is all over the place–New York City, Provo, Atlanta, Carrollton, Las Vegas. It looks to me like Will Smith was looking for one of Blake’s sisters to hug rather the other way around! Very smooth, Harold.
Hey, I’ve met famous people too…I just don’t have pictures to prove it. Did I tell you about the time Sara, Brooks, and I chatted with the bass player for Green Day on the Subway in New York one night? I thought I recognized his face when I got on the subway and so I said, “I think I know you.” Blah, blah, blah. He said “I’m in a band.” I said, “what instrument do you play? Oh, my brother Brooks played the bass in a band.” Naturally, the next question was, “What’s the name of your band? Oh, oh, Green Day. Hmm, yes I’ve heard of them.” He was the nicest celebrity I met. He went on to tell us his favorite song of theirs to play (I forgot which one), what he was doing in New York, what interviews were like, and that they were working on their new album (this was more than a year ago). So that’s one of my stories. Since then I’ve met many other famous people, but I still like my friends and family most!