Bonds breaks home run record to unfavorable reception
The Associated Press reports: “Barry Bonds hit No. 756 to the deepest part of the ballpark Tuesday night, and hammered home the point: Like him or not, legitimate or not, he is baseball’s new home run king.”
Amid a swarm of expected negative press, the above image is how the nation’s largest sports magazine ushered in the news on its home page. It takes more than just a number to break a record it seems…
@ Russ
One hometown account of applause does not widespread reception make. Every article written since yesterday features a big fat “but” clause in the first or second paragraph. That’s not spin. That’s reality.
And widespread written word does not discount the visual of a well received reception. That’s what will be played on TV for years to come. Nobody will play ESPN pundits saying *
So, it’s still spin because it’s not fully accurate. You chose to say “not well received” but if you were watching it on TV, nothing could be further from the truth. It’s one side of the story.
I had a bittersweet feeling about it myself, but it’s bothersome when people believe that public perception and opinion reflects that of a number of cynical journalists. Even here in Utah…I’ve had conversations with a number of sports writers at Bees games or Jazz games, and many of them are hard on Bonds about it all. Yet when I actually talk to people about it, there are very very different opinions.
whatever the case, the unknown of what he did or didn’t do makes it not as cool as it could be.
Can you say anti-climatic? When an accomplishment like this is being overshadowed by suspicions of cheating, it kind of takes the fun out of it all.
Well, that all depends on howhtt you want to spin it. If you watch the video where he hits the home run, he actually does it to a very favorable reception. Yes, this is San Francisco . . . but it’s not unfavorable by any means.
I have to admit that I didn’t know what to feel in that moment… A-Rod is going to pass him anyway.