Embrace the Inadequacy
I have felt extremely inadequate on many occasions in my life. Usually the feeling arises from undertaking a new endeavor like a job or new project. Still to this day, when something new comes up that is slightly unexpected or challenging, these feelings return. I, for one, encourage them. Here’s why:
Feeling inadequate is what moves individuals forward. In many cases, it can cause a person to actually be more mindful, precise, and careful with what they are doing. I would be more concerned about not feeling inadequate while engaging in something new as this could result in complacency and/or lack of passion.
So if you’re involved in a new business venture, career, school program, or even parenthood, embrace the inadequacy. You’ll be better off because of it, and you’ll learn faster. That’s a Smooth Harold guarantee.
This is a big day! It’s my first comment on your blog! The reason it has taken me so long is because I am a bit shy…I tend to sit back and listen (or read in this case) what others have to say. It’s time I let me opinion known! 🙂