Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

I should start charging people to pay off their balance

Lindsey and I are paying off our credit card for the first time this month. 0% interest finally ran out after 3.5 years of a full interest free life. But to complicate the process, Citi says they have to charge us $18 to pay off our card by phone. They don’t allow pay-offs online, so the only other free alternative is to pay by snail mail. To do that, you must estimate future days of accrued interest. Annoying.

I realize they complicate the process to keep me as a customer, but that is the exact opposite of good customer service. Remember the recent lesson AOL learned in canceling accounts? Help the customer get what the want, even if that means losing their business. Nothing wrong with trying to keep an account, but never confuse that with not listening to your customers.

So starting today, anyone that wants to pay off their balance with me, I require an $18 processing fee. (kidding)