Monetize the Microchunk
Well, the latest issue of Business 2.0 is in, and as always serves up the best business, entrepreneurship articles around. Best one from the recent issue? The business of monetizing a microchunk, or in otherwords, content snippits of a whole. Here’s how it works:
- “Microchunk it: Reduce entertainment to its simplest discrete form, be it a blog post, a music track, or a skit.”
- “Free it: Let people download, view, read or listen without charge.”
- “Share it: Let consumers subscribe to content through RSS- and podcast-style feeds so they can enjoy it wherever and whenever they like.”
- “Moneymake it: Put ads [next to] and tracking systems into the digital content itself.”
This definitely works for blogs and the few small sites that I run. In the web 2.0 world, convenience will be the selling point, not the content.