Most important thing for an aspiring entrepreneur?
I’ve been listening to a lot of entrepreneurial podcasts as of late (via Business Jive). Many attempt to define the most important thing for an aspiring entrepreneur to-do towards achieving success. My take? Get in front of the customer. Sell to them. Pitch to them. Nothing compensates for lack of experience in dealing with your end user, I don’t care what it is that you’re doing. They will teach you faster than any cliche business book can. So stop reading on how to become an entrepreneur, and start becoming one. Sell yourself, your product, and your ideas to people that have money, and you’ll be well on your way.
And remember, a quality prospect has a need, urgency, and greenbacks. If they’re missing any of those three (and not what you think they need), move onto the next prospect.
Alan Hall, one of those interviewed on Business Jive, always says that nothing happens until you sell something.
That may seem obvious, but there’s more, because one of the hardest things for me, when I’m wearing the entrepreneur hat, is knowing exactly what should come first (when EVERYTHING seems so pressing and important when you;re starting out). However, once you’ve sold something, all of a sudden you have to make good on that sale and your “to do” list becomes very clear and easy to execute.
INvestors, especially angel investors like Alan Hall, are also much more likely to send some resources your way once they know that eventual sale of your service or product is not just theory, but reality.
Go sell something!!!!