Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

My favorite music of early 2007

I like music. I like it even better in iTunes. So with that, here are the artists, albums, and songs heavy in my rotation for early 2007 ordered by ones I’m listening to the most. Nota bene: these aren’t necessarily what have been released in early 2007, just what I’m currently listening to:

  • Ben Kweller(Self Titled): Ben Kweller’s latest album is just awesome. This kid can write, sing, and play good tuneage. I can’t get enough of this album and even my wife likes it. That’s a rarity. “Nothing Happening,” “Sundress,” “Magic,” and “Until I Die” are the standout tracks, but all are good.
  • PheonixAlphabetical AND “Rally” from It’s Never Been Like That Where to begin? Pheonix is one fine electronic/traditional band. Their songs seem a bit flat at times, but flat in a good way. Never overproduced. Just right. Excellent band and a newly discovered one for me in 2007.
  • MagnetOn Your Side AND The Tourniquet. Norwegian songwriter Magnet can do no wrong. Both of these albums will go down as a pair of my all-time favorites. Want beautiful, soft, acoustic/electronic music? Look no further. Magnet is stellar.
  • BeckThe Information. It’s Beck’s new album! What more could you ask for? My favorite track is the current single, “Think I’m In Love.”
  • Teddybears – “Different Sound.” Their Soft Machine album is a bit out there, but “Different Sound” is such an infectious song. Highly recommended track.
  • Daft PunkHuman After All. The. Best. Electronic. Album. Out. Right. Now. Recorded in only six weeks, this one is clearly underrated. Human After All is almost exclusively what I listen to when running (if I’m running).
  • The Clientele – “(I Can’t Seem To) Make You Mine.” I can’t speak for the entire album, but I really dig this bands soothing sounds.
  • Philip GlassThe Illusionist (Soundtrack). Minimalist classical music at its finest. I think I’ve listened to the theme track over 75 times in the last month alone.

Of course, my playlists are also peppered with 80’s, classical, and a bunch of other stuff, but this is what has my attention as of late. I’m also anticipating Air’s new album due March 5 (new single here). Mmmm. Air. What are you currently listening to?