Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

No-Cost Expert Advice

How can you do that as an entrepreneur? Easy. Get an advisory board. From the WSJ article: “These advisers, of course, aren’t to be confused with a board of directors, which bears a fiduciary duty and legal responsibility. Rather, these are advisers, generally unpaid, who have agreed to be associated with your business. The experience they bring can be the key to your growth. They can offer you gritty business advice, such as who to go to for a particular legal problem or a good source for some bit of inventory.”

We have yet to formed an advisory board for my company, but it’s sounding like it couldn’t be a better time. Any SH readers out there worked with an advisory board?

(Source: WSF)

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