No Nintendo Wii for me… yet.
For those who don’t know me, I’m a video game enthusiast. Though I don’t get to play as much as I’d like due to blogging on the subject, I was really looking forward to the new Nintendo that launched on Saturday. Well I didn’t get one due to outstripped supply, and I’m pretty bummed.
Here’s a snippet from my sob story: “Everywhere I go strangers are right there beside me asking the same questions: ‘Have any Wii’s in stock? Know when you’ll get more?’ Customer service departments aren’t even transferring me to electronics anymore. They snap at me in curt fashion not allowing any inquiries, ‘No, we don’t’ have any Wiis, and we DON’T know when we’re getting more!!!'”
The nerd in me will keep trying.
Wow — I underestimated the interest in the whole consul. I mean, I knew you liked it, but really wow. It’s amazing, and even though I didn’t care about it, either, I want to try one now — after reading about all of these non-gamers liking it, too. Will you bring it with you next Christmas? I wish I didn’t have to wait that long, but I don’t know many true gamers . . . All the guys at church here worship Halo. Barf.
too bad it’s the best.
I was in the exact same boat. I kept calling places, and they would tell me there was NO WAY I would get one on launch day… Well, 12:00 noon on launch day, I was headed home with my Wii underarm. Maybe I was lucky though.