October 25, 2006: First day of snow this year
It started snowing here at our condo in Orem, Utah about an hour ago. I like snow right up until I have to drive in it, which is all the time living in Utah. Even my last name is Snow, but that still can’t change my dislike for mother nature’s frosty precipitation.
Snow: you dig it?
Holy cow. I was like, “Blake, you’re crazy, it’s not snowing. I know the weather isn’t that different down the street!”
Then I turned around and looked out the window.
Well, now I feel twice as cozy in my house.
Snow before Hallowe’en. Pretty early!
snow is good to look at.
at a distance.
from inside.
Man, you’re lucky! I’m seriously jealous.
Like most things in life, you don’t appreciate them until you no longer have them. Now that I am living in Italy we get less snow than in Utah. I miss the soft blankets of powdery snow unique to Utah.
Brooks Snow… LOVE IT! The cold white snow… Not a fan one bit.
As a girl I went to Tahoe about once a month to ski. Just stayed two days, got my fix and was more than happy to come home to no snow.
I live in Michigan.. I hope people had a site for when it was first started to snow in their respective areas. I am dying for snow fall. I cannot wait.
I don’t mind snow here and there, but if it’s going to snow, I want it to stay snowy and wintery.