Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal

One of the best parts of my day

Forgive the sappiness: I am not a morning person. I like the night when things are quiet and I can get lost in an extreme amount of focus. That being the case, I get up later in the morning, anywhere between 7:30-9:00 AM. Though my wife falls asleep much earlier as I work from bed, she is a lover of snooze and generally wakes in the morning the same time I do. And luckier still, our 13 month-old daughter Sadie does the same.

So when we all finally get up, my wife runs into Sadie’s room to get her ready for the day. While bursting down the door, Lindsey shouts the exact same thing every time, genuineness never wavering: “Well, Hello!!!! How are you??!!” Sadie freaks out in her crib smiling like you wouldn’t believe and doing everything but cartwheels to express her excitedness. It never gets old.

What’s your favorite personal occurrence of the day?