Portable video?
Apple announced a video iPod yesterday. C’mon now. Who wants portable video? Sure, the company has the best portable MP3 around by far, but this move is just cocky and presumptuous. Explain to me how you can multi-task while watching a downloaded tv show on a 2 inch screen? It just doesn’t make sense. Music, however, does.
Even more convincing, CNN ran a poll today asking if people would buy an iPod for video. An astounding 82% said they would not. Did Apple do any market research? It’s looks like they didn’t. And who was buying iPods for photos? No one.
Would you buy an iPod for video?
A 2″ movie? Fuhgeddaboudit!
Segway anyone?
Oh by the way, remember this, When the new versions of the Ipod come out, they dont offer a regular ipod and then the photo version, they dont give you the regular ipod vs the video ipod. the Ipod is an Ipod, now with the ability to show photos and video. So in your statement,”And who is buying their photo iPods? No one.” People are buying Ipods, ipods that have video, you cant get them without now. So if ipods are selling it is the video one now.
updated. Thanks Joel.
I just got one because i make music videos. Its awesome holding on my vidoe son it. And when im working out doing cardio i can watch it. Its awesome.
YES i want one, it’s not like they’re charing any more for it. It’s free functionality, and it’s smaller too. Stop complaining, use it if you want to, don’t if you don’t. If anything, you have a larger, higher resolution screen for the menu and such navigation.
It’s a 2.5 inch screen and it’s beautiful.
But I’m holding out for 80 gb.
I can video being useful if you’re stuck on a plane or a bus — you can watch it right up to your face with headphones. (And that begs for JetBlue to put iPod docking stations in the headrests so people can watch videos on the built-in headrests.) It might also be nice to take it with you to a family reunion, plug it into a TV, and show somebody a video you made. But it definitely won’t be for day-to-day video the same way iPods do for audio.