Posting comments on your on blog post
I’ve got this thing where I don’t like to post comments on my own blog post. I don’t know why, I guess I just like the democracy of getting one chance to get my point across, and if I didn’t do that in my main post, it reflects poorly on me as a writer. I just don’t think it’s kosher to do so. I’ve found myself wanting to do it, but I usually let the commenters have the last word.
I’ve done it on rare occasions, mostly when I make a blatant mistake, but I bet I could count on one hand the number of times I’ve commented on my own post over the last year. Anyone else like this? Thoughts on commenting on your on blog post?
I usually only post to my own blog if I have an update to it (like when I have an existing post about Totally Awesome computers and then Dell Shanze gets in trouble for flying a paraglider too close to the freeway), or if someone writes a comment that I feel deserves a response from myself.
I mean I only post comments to my own posts on my blog…etc.
eh . .. sometimes people will ask me questions, so I reply. But, I doubt they ever look for the reply.
Wow, I have the exact opposite approach. I try to post a comment in reply to EVERY single comment.
I find that peeps are more likely to post a comment if 1) they know it’s being read (they’ll know if you post a comment in reply) 2) there’s a comment discussion going on (a discussion essentially involves two peeps). So, you can often get someone to comment again just by leaving a comment in reply.
Anyway, from a pure traffic generation point of view, more comments is good. And an easy way to get more comments is to take every opportunity to place them yourself.
Hm, I usually agree with Nicholas Roussos’s comments, and once again, he’s said what I wanted to say — only better.
I used to not comment on my own posts. I thought it was kind of silly. I thought, like you, that your actual post should say everything you want if you’ve written it well enough. But sometimes people make comments with a perspective that I hadn’t thought of before, and I feel the need to acknowledge that now with a comment. Or sometimes someone just writes something that is really funny, and I have to give them props for it. And sometimes people just ask questions through comments, so I have to answer.
No, I’ve changed, and I’m a comment-on-my-own-posts kind of girl. Once I think I went a little too far, but that was only once, and I don’t expect it to ever happen again . . .
Well, well, well. Look who’s posting on their own blog post. You’ve all made some great comments and I appreciate the incite. Ironically, I’ve noticed that when I leave comments on another site, I hope that the post author comments.
Maybe I should change my policy.
Hey! Welcome to this side!!!
(See what happened? I came back to read the other comments!)
I agree. I made my first comment on my own blog a couple of days ago. I vowed I never would and I don’t think I ever will again.