Pros and cons: Why 2020 was the most productively distasteful year of my life
I forgot to hit publish on this earlier. Better late than never?
- Published my second book
- Released Mr. Mustache, my debut record
- Started a rocking cover band
- Cofounded a company with a friend
- Rediscovered my beautiful backyard
- My family survived COVID (the mildest headache ever for 10 days)
- I lost access to much of my village
- I got permenant tinnitus (ringing ears) while recording my album (turns out four straight months of loud headphones will do that)
- Had my income reduced by more than 50%
- I couldn’t travel as much with borders closed
In short, it was the most challenging four star year of my life. After all, first-world problems are way easier than third-world problems. I’m hoping 2021 will be at least a 4.5/5 star year and am doing everything I can to hit that mark!