Romney Denies Mormon Fundraising Connection
Presidential candidate Mitt Romney denied his Mormon fundraising connection in speaking to ABC News today. When asked if the $3M raised in Utah of his Republican-leading $20 million was tied to his being a Latter-Day Saint, Romney dodged the affiliation citing his 2002 Olympic popularity and his being a former resident of the state. The presidential hopeful corrected NY Times allegations that Utah raised “more per capita than any other state” citing California as holding the honor (Nota bene: In shere numbers, Cali is home to more Mormons than Utah).
First, I recognize that Romney is liked for what he did at the 2002 Olympics, for once living in Utah, for his success as a business man, and for his work in Massachusetts as Governor. But is there anything wrong with Romney stating the obvious? Like, “My record aside, of course people with a similar faith are more likely to financially support me.” Just seems like human nature to me, and I’m sure Catholics were extra generous with Kennedy. Despite some journalists fishing for stories that Romney’s church quietly endorses him, is there anything wrong with like individuals supporting each other due to a natural affinity? The issue seems akin to asking Obama about high black turnout or high female turnout for Clinton supporters.
So from a strategic standpoint, I think Romney has a better chance being forthright about his religious supporters.
Disclosure: I’m Mormon, not a Republican or Democrat, won’t vote in the primaries, and still don’t know whom I’ll vote for in 2008.
“I don’t agree with his political views in most cases, but he’d make a heck of a figurehead for our country.”
That’s one of the most patriotic things I’ve ever heard, David. Really. Very cool.
As far as the primaries go, It’s hard enough to pry me away from my desktop during the presidential vote as I’m not that active in politics. I realize their importance, but I also tend to agree with Freakanomic’s stance that your vote doesn’t matter as much as conventional wisdom suggest. 🙂
Hugh Hewitt, who wrote the recent book on Romney and Mormonism, has a blog post today about the same issue. He points out the hypocrisy of the NY Times’s frowning on Romney’s Mormon/Utah network while at the same time praising Obama’s black/Chicago network.
Apparently a lot of the money came from Boston as well.
I saw the ABC interview this morning. He definitely dodged the “Mormon money” question, but he also pointed out that ABC and other news reporters ask him about that connection every single time he is interviewed. He answered that Americans are more interested in a person simply being of a religious faith and not which specific faith.
Overall, it was a very tactful interview and he’s always been an incredible speaker / leader. I don’t agree with his political views in most cases, but he’d make a heck of a figurehead for our country.
If it comes down to Romney vs Obama next fall, it’s going to be a VERY interesting election.
Why the heck wouldn’t you vote in the primaries? To me, that’s almost more important than the actual elections .. you’re picking the person that everybody will choose from in the future!