Study finds that hard work overcomes poverty (sorta)
ABC News published an interesting story this week about a middle-class kid who imposed homelessness upon himself and claimed to never use his degree to upgrade his life over the course of a year. Ten months later, he had an apartment, a car, and $5000 in savings from nothing more than $25 and a gym bag, suggesting that the American Dream is alive and well, and that hard work alone can overcome poverty.
I believe in the last line adamantly, but the experiment fails to consider certain variables that the privileged kid was unable to isolate. First, he’s male and white — that helps. Second, college is more than just a piece of paper, so even if the kid didn’t market his degree, he was capable of greater deductive reasoning, logic, and creativity than most homeless folk. Lastly, he was fortunate enough to carry (though he never used) an emergency credit card.
So was the experiment a success? I think so for the most part, though I’d like to see the result using a motivated individual with no background resources at all. Penny for your thoughts?
I don’t believe that your comment “he’s male and white — that helps” is true. Being white in some areas may help, but being male does not. A homeless woman that does not suffer from mental illness (and some that do)can often find someone to take her in and help her out. I don’t think I know of anyone that would take in a homeless man.
Good point, MyAgentBryan. However, the study isn’t concerned with immediate care, rather long-term life updates, something I think men still might have an easier time doing, at least professionally.
And keep in mind that many of our homeless and criminals suffer from various mental disorders, which this kid obviously did not have.