Web 2.0: Conversation (not content) is king
BoingBoing suggests: “Content isn’t king. If I sent you to a desert island and gave you the choice of taking your friends or your movies, you’d choose your friends — if you chose the movies, we’d call you a sociopath. Conversation is king. Content is just something to talk about.”
Excellent point. But the focus of companies should still be on content, which inevitably creates good conversation for consumers.
Excuse me — that’s “re-invent.” With a t.
They’re missing the point … conversation is just a means of communicating content. Like Sara says, ultimately the content of the conversation still has to be worthwhile.
Yeah, but if the conversation sucks, then those people probably won’t be your friends. Eventually there has to be “something” more to a conversation than topical stuff. If I had a choice between watching “Amadeus” versus talking to someone with whom I didn’t have much in common or didn’t like what she talked about, then I’d choose the movie, and I don’t think anyone would think that’s sociopathic. It all depends on the content of the movie or the person or whatever else it is. So content — substance, meaning, significance — really is king.
I think whoever wrote this article is just trying to “re-inven the wheel.” It really was a nice try because conversation and communication is great, but there has to be something to communicate about.