What to do with overly critical comments on your blog?
A colleague of mine received a very critical and biased comment on his blog today. He asked me how he should react. My reply: Keep critical comments, however illogical, posted on your blog. Let your community decide for itself how credible your blog content is even taking into consideration user-generated comments. Rarely, if ever, will a blog community fail to take care of outlier comments.
The blogger then asked if he should even post a reply to the comment. That’s “your choice,” I told him, but if he decided to post a reply, he should be tactful about it. Staying classy in a comment reply will only make an illogical comment look less intelligent, though that should never be your goal in posting a comment reply.
How do you deal with overly critical blog comments?
I think that most of the time you should leave the negative comments.
I was impressed several months ago when Paul Allen allowed a heckler to make several negative comments.
Many of Allens loyal followers came to his defense… It got people passionate and engaged.
From a marketing point of view it was really quite smart of Allen. Controversy sells. He got more responses to his blogs as a result of the negative comments than he had gotten in a long time… and I suppose lots of people forwarded the Blogs to friends, etc.
If you are confident in yourself and have a strong self identification vibration, you are not concerned what the peanut gallery says or thinks. You just move forward
You gotta leave them. It’s about the ideas. Idiots will be seen as idiots.
It is sad how people can’t seem to disagree with out being a jerk. I think most people are smart enough to realize this. Love the blog it’s mucho blogarific.