Blake Snow

writer-for-hire, content guy, bestselling author

As seen on CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, Wired, Yahoo!, BusinessWeek, Wall Street Journal
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Where’s Nick Burns When You Need Him

Steve Jobs is a Liar. Okay, that may be a little harsh, but the oh-so-well engineered PowerBooks have their fair share of problems a la Window PC’s. Granted, issues arise in all things, but it stings more when Macs are touted as “indestructible” by Jobs and Co. yet they break too.

I’ve just spent several hours reimaging my Mac trying to get it to boot. Now I’m installing all my 3-rd party programs. Hopefully I’ll be “fully operational” (spoken in my best Star Wars Emperor accent) by day’s end. But now my Airport card is “throwing up,” and I can’t connect wirelessly. Boo!

I was bound to have computer woes today though. It was my digital karma turn. I Haven’t had computer issues in almost two years (while on my Windows desktop machine mind you). The downtime does remind me of just how dependent I am on my computer and more importantly, my internet connection. So outside of human beings, here are my top three material priorities:

  1. Power (to start my computer)
  2. Computer (to connect to cyberspace)
  3. Cyberspace (to work, produce things, and enjoy the social web)

What are yours?