Did I just commit social suicide?
Facebook is a great way to stay connected with friends. It’s also a great way to stay connected with people you wouldn’t have otherwise, resulting in added noise and unwanted drama. Which is why I deleted all my “friends” and updated my status to the following:
“Blake Snow is currently on Facebook hiatus. (Pretty cool, no?) If you’d like to get in touch—either by email, status updates, RSS, or his blog—please visit his website. Or just talk to him the next time you see him.”
Why hiatus instead of deletion? Because Facebook has more than 300 million members, so it seems insular of me to completely disregard it. As is, I have the option to resume my account, and I still benefit from redirected search traffic. Will I ever come back? That’s the great thing about being on hiatus—I can defer my decision indefinitely.
Any predictions on how this experiment might conclude? Social suicide? Professional setback? Or better productivity and greater independence?
Tried that, David. Didn’t work. The allure of Facebook friends is just to strong. 🙂
I’m actually growing tired of facebook. It’s fun for about 1 or 2 updates from friends you haven’t seen in a few years, but if you haven’t seen them in that long, they probably weren’t that good of friends anyway. Now all I do on facebook is rip on how lame my friend James is because it’s funny to get his response. Other than that, I could do away with facebook and not blink an eye.
Why didn’t you just post that and stop checking it rather than deleting all your friends? (No one saw that “final” status update since we’re all deleted now.)