Five bands I wish would hurry up and release a new album already
So far, 2009 is shaping up to be a good year for new album releases. There’s been a new Phoenix album, a new Mat Kearney one, and new releases from Paolo Nutini, Eminem, and the Beastie Boys right around the corner. Still, there’s a handful of artists I listen to so much, I wish they had already released a new album. Here a five of my most-wanted:
- Vampire Weekend. Last album, 2008. I know, I know. It’s only been a year, but VW is so freakin’ good, I can’t wait for new material. I’ll even take an entire album remix like this, I’m so invested.
- Air. Last album, 2007. I listen to a lot of Air. I think they’re probably even more versatile than Daft Punk, their French comrades. Pocket Symphony was good, but I’m still waiting for a proper follow-up to the excellent Talkie Walkie.
- Daft Punk. Last album, 2005. I need more Daft Punk in my life. I really do. I can recite Homework, Discovery, and Human After All from my tiny robotic heart. So I’m very anxious for new beats.
- Spoon. Last album, 2007. Best. Indie. Band… of all-time. Their last, Ga Ga Ga Ga, was incredible. A fan of their music since 2002, Spoon is simply a delight. And I want more.
- DeadMau5. Last album, January. Being the most innovative techno producer since Daft Punk’s 1997 debut, DeadMau5 has the most infectious beats, one album is simply not enough. Even if it was released four months ago.
Honorable mentions: Blink-182, Magnet. Wishful thinking: Michael Jackson
See also: My favorite music of early 2007
Rage Against the Machine
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Wishful thinking #2: ABBA. No?
All I can say is – AMEN!