Good Salesman
Small business employees have the opportunity to wear many hats. My main “hat” for example says Project Manager, which is a fancy way of saying I take care of and manage all client projects and make sure they’re done on time. I’m also an HTML designer, proposal writer, secretary, general manager and even a salesman from time to time.
So what makes a good salesman? Well that question would be like asking, “What makes a good baseball team?” or “What makes a good human being?” for that matter. There are obviously many functions involved in answering the above questions. With that said, however, I do believe one thing is common in all great salesmen.
A good salesman always leaves a meeting knowing how the client or customer truly feels, regardless if he makes the sale or not. If he does that, he’s done his job. It’s up to the product to do the rest. It can be challenging sometimes, but if you understand how someone feels, you’ll be in a much better position to sell to them.
People want to be heard, whether they are making a purchase, or voicing an opinion to a friend or loved one. If you start by understanding someone’s feelings, you can become a great salesman in whatever it is that you do. Even if you wear a bunch of hats.