Places I’d like to visit: Crater Lake

photo credit: random stranger
UPDATE: Visited in 2014. ORIGINAL STORY: I remember seeing this marvel in an early Bond movie as a young boy. Apparently, it’s the deepest lake in America. Not only that, but it’s strikingly beautiful. Any readers ever been? It’s only an 11 hour drive from my house. (Asks wife if we can go this summer.)
Worth the drive! It’s a beautiful lake. My sister is a photographer and has some awesome shots of it. She lives in the Portland area.
I grew up in Oregon and I think I went to Crater Lake when I was in grade school. There was this rumor that no one knew how deep the lake really was. I think they’ve determined it to be around 2000 ft deep.
Crater lake is a beautiful place. If you get the chance to go then go! Just remember – that’s Sasquatch country so be on the look out.